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Testemne 2 for Terje Rudi
Komledott rules
BI4-301-1 18H Climate Change Ecology
The course is divided into three main sections. The first section (ca. one week) focus on the role of climatic factors for patterns of species distribution, abundance and phenology. The second section (ca two weeks) focus on the climate change effects on various systems such as arctic, alpine, boreal, marine and wetland ecosystems. Throughout this section, we highlight some specific and general features of changes in these systems, for example how climate change interact with other environmental changes in affecting biodiversity. We also address what society can do to manage these systems under climate change, for example, how to preserve ecosystem services to the befit of human society. The third section (ca one week) focuses specifically on natural resource management and ecosystem services. We introduce ecosystem based adaptation and restoration ecology as methods to both adapt to (e.g. strategies for managing biodiversity) and mitigate (e.g. CO2-sequestration) climate change. A representative selection of studies will be discussed in detail to provide insight into relevant scientific problems and methods.
GE4-301-1 18H Fundamental Research Methods
An introduction to some of the data collection and analysis methods used in modern environmental sciences